We have helped 100’s of companies find office space in Austin and the surrounding areas:
- Start up companies or business owners who need help leasing office space for the first time.
- Existing companies who are thinking about relocating their office headquarters to Austin
- Companies who need help negotiating office lease renewals or expansions
Lot’s of office space in Austin, Tx
There are literally 1000’s of office buildings around the Austin metro area. If you are not from here or are local but have no clue where to start when it comes to searching for office space we understand.
Let us do the heavy lifting
There is no reason for you to do this on your own. Let us do all the heavy lifting! After an initial discussion to learn about your current and future space needs, ideal location & budget, and all your other wants and needs we will sift through every office building in Austin to find you the perfect space.
By the time we are done we will present to you the top 5-10 options that can accommodate you needs. From there we will tour the spaces with you, request lease proposals, and facilitate the negotiation process to ensure that you get the best deal possible.
To get started now simply contact us via email or give us a call at 512-861-0525