Awesome Ideas for New Business Grand Opening

small businessThe grand opening of a new business is making a first and lasting impression to your future loyal customers. It can make or break your business. Planning for a grand opening is all about knowing your target market. If your business caters the whole family, you need to think of a wholesome concept on your grand opening. If your establishment is for the students and teenagers, you need to plan for a party-like event. The activities that will be included on your grand opening should take into consideration the products and services that you will be offering and the demographic of your target market.

Below are some awesome ideas for your grand opening:

1. Friends and relatives that will act as customers and bring positive energy in the event.
2. Face painters, clowns and magicians for a kid-friendly approach.
3. Take customers on quick tours around your establishment. Make them feel that they are welcome and you are glad that they came.
4. Product sampling is a must for a starting business. Freebies and promotions will attract potential customers. These marketing strategies will help in the decision making of a consumer to take a glimpse of what your store has to offer.
5. Bounce-back coupon, freebies and discounts on your grand opening day can also bring the crowd to your business.
6. Live entertainment can also help attract the people passing by your establishment. This could be in the form of a live band or a celebrity guest. Making well-known celebrities to promote your business establishment is one of the effective ways to advertise your products and services.
7. Give incentives and prizes to the first 100 customers! A consumer is always after the free stuff.
8. Invite some popular individuals like politicians in the vicinity to your ribbon-cutting ceremony.

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