Bee Cave Tx Whole Foods Retail Center Grand Opening was Busy!

Bee Cave Tx Whole Foods Retail Center

Bee Cave, Tx just got its own Whole Foods retail space! Today was the grand opening and man was it busy! The foot print seems a little smaller than other Whole Foods as walking through the isles was very difficult because of all the people. Hopefully it won’t always be that crowded :) . I have never seen the parking lot of the Hill Country Galleria that packed.

Whole Foods doesn’t put a store just anywhere so that tells you their confidence in the growth of this city. Residents in Bee Cave are excited about having the store here so I’m pretty sure it will do well. Other retailers in the Galleria should also benefit and take advantage of the traffic that it will draw.

Bee Cave Whole Foods BusyThis is a win win for everyone in the Bee Caves community. The city is poised for growth and having Whole Foods here is another step towards that goal. Over the next few years I expect to see other popular retail stores follow suit.

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