How to deal with Facebook’s business content shift

shutterstock_169607585Facebook has been the best social media medium to distribute a business’ content marketing. Unfortunately, Facebook is planning to reduce the number of content seen by users who have liked a business page. According to the social media giant, only 2% will see a given post.

Facebook seems to make its move in converting those likes to cash as they plan to offer purchase content views in the future. Meaning, you have to pay a certain amount for a specific number of viewers who will be able to view your content posts!

I am not sure if this is a good move of FB, as Pinterest seems to capture the heart of business owners too in terms of delivering content and other media marketing strategy. Since Facebook is heading to a different marketing direction, I think it is a best time for web developers to create a new social media giant who could offer the same features or much better that will be available to all for free!

Read more about the story here

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