German Game Developer Crytek To Open First U.S. Office in Austin

According to a story in the Austin American Statesman another video game developer is open an Austin office.  German company, Crytek is opening it’s first U.S. office in Austin Tx, which will be its 9th worldwide.  David Adams, founder of Vigil Games will lead Cryteks new Austin office headquarters.  Found in 1999, Crytek has studios in South Korea, Ukraine, Hungary, UK, Turkey, China, and Bulgaria.

Austin continues to attract new companies however word on the street is that attracting and retaining new software developers in Austin has been challenging.  With the talent pool of good software developers a little thin, companies like Crytek will need to ensure that their office space is fun, challenging, and collaborative and offer employees perks that will make them want the job as soon as they walk in the door.

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