How Much Time is Being Wasted at Your Office? [Infographic]

A company’s success largely depends on how productive your employees are.  If you have too many employees wasting time at the office you can bet that it’s hurting your bottom line.

The infographic below points out who the time wasters are, on average how much time they are wasting, and what activities are typically responsible for taking all this time.

Interestingly enough, the more educated the workers are the more time they waste.  The biggest time wasting activities were surfing the internet 48%, Socializing with workers 33%, and taking care of personal business 30%.  Top excuse for wasting time was employee dissatisfaction at 46%.

Bottom line is companies need to discourage time wasting.  If your employees are unhappy at the office find out why.  Make working at the office a fun, collaborative, BUT productive environment.


Infographic courtesy of Tempo

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