Office Space Design: Focus on Efficiency or Employee Productivity?

Whenever the topic about smart working and hot desking is brought up, there are often two typical responses. One is that people may believe that these efficient concepts are among the best innovations in the industry and the other is that these ideas seem to be farfetched.

Whichever is right, still the fact remains that even large companies are looking for ways to use their spaces more efficiently, however it really depends on the size of the company and the type of job an employee has.  Employees who travel a lot or need to collaborate a great deal on particular projects may prefer a more open concept.  Others such as website and software developers have to concentrate more on projects therefore may prefer to work in a more quite setting.

They key is to focus not only on being efficient with your office space but to focus on your employees work habits and how you can make them as productive as they can be.

Trend: Large Companies and Their Move to Efficiently Use Space |

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