So to celebrate Earth Day, we are sharing our top 5 tips for making your office space greener.
1. Buy Plants – Plants not only help rid your office of air toxins, they also help generate a little more employee stimulation and productivity. Whether you have lots or sunlight in your office or not there are lot’s of options to choose from.
2. Print on both sides – Save some trees today by printing documents on both sides of the paper. It can also save you a lot of money!
3. Walk or bike to work today – If you are able to walk or bike to work……. Do IT! Leave 30 minutes to 1 hr earlier today and just do it. If you are too far then consider car pooling.
4. Pack lunch with waste free materials – This might seem totally impossible but try it. Re-usable containers, cloth napkins, and metal silverware.
5. Turn computers off when not using – If you go to lunch…… turn off your computer. If you are not using it for longer than 30 min to 1 hour…..turn it off. Collectively if we all do that we can help reduce our carbon footprint.