The corporate work environment of today continues to evolve as companies strive to recruit & retain top talent, and promote employee productivity, satisfaction, creativity, and overall happiness.
The typical “sea of cubicles” is a thing of the past for most and the trend is towards office space design that gets people excited about coming to the office.
Office Space Layout of the Past
Office Space of the Future
The Advisory Board Company’s Austin Office Space Design
The Advisory Board Company’s Austin office space design team has done just that. As you can see below it begins with their main reception area that is clean, cool and professional, however with a little Austin, Tx flair. I believe they used hill country stone for the wall behind the reception desk.
Open Office Area Concept
Their main office areas us an open concept however no employee is “chained” to a desk. They are free to work anywhere in the space. Their open areas have nice high vaulted ceilings, bright colors, and are great places for the employees to collaborate and work on “team” oriented projects. This will encourage them to interact more with other employees.
Common Meeting Rooms & Areas
Need to have a quick meeting with a team member? Below is one of the many break out meeting areas that employees can use whenever they want. Complete with phones, comfortable chairs and couches, and whiteboards!
Common Area Phone Rooms
Need to make a quick phone call? They have phone rooms next to each of the open office areas. Makes you feel like you are Superman, except in this case you could be closing the next big deal!
Cool Break Area
The break area is possible one of their favorite areas. Here you can have a meeting, collaborate on a project, play ping pong, or whatever……all while having a hot or cold tastey beverage.