1,000 to 10,000 sf Office Subleases in Austin, Tx

Austin office lease rates are at an all time high.  Because of that a lot of companies are seeking office subleases in hopes of finding space at below market lease rates.  There are a few advantages and disadvantages of subleasing that you should keep in mind however.  The main thing is that companies are subleasing for a reason.  They are either going out of business or the space is too small for them to occupy.

Either way subleases are not flexible in the sense that you can get at tenant improvement allowance and have it built out exactly the way you want.  In most cases you have to take it how it is, however in return for that you are able to negotiate a lease rate that is below market.  Because of that some companies are able to occupy space in buildings that they would otherwise not be able to afford.

If subleasing is right for you then take a look at this updated list of office space subleases in Austin.  We have gathered a complete list of subleases ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 sf.  If your not sure or you would like a custom list created for your needs let us know.

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