Should I Build Dry Walls or Use Modular Walls For Office Space Buildout?

The other day I had a client ask me about whether or not they should building out their office space walls using sheet rock (dry wall) or modular walls.  There are pros and cons to doing both so below I decided to share this with you.

Sheet Rock (Dry Walls)


  • Less expensive than modular
  • Can build them anyway you like
  • You can easily change décor (look and feel) later on


  • If you want to make changes later you have to demo the wall and build new
  • Can easily get holes and other damage to the wall
  • Takes longer to build than modular walls


Modular Walls


  • More flexible
  • Can quickly and easily be installed
  • Potential tax benefits (check with your CPA).  In some states you can fully depreciate over 7 years vs 30 yrs with sheet rock walls
  • You can take them down and reuse at any time
  • Can be repurposed
  • Can build out offices when needed
  • Can come prewired and prefinished


  • More expensive than sheet rock.
  • Décor is permanent which means you can’t change the look and feel
  • Not as acoustically sound as dry wall
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