For Knowledge Workers, Productivity Begins with Workplace Strategy

In a press release written by the media team at Jones Lang LaSalle they talk about how companies should focus more on the real estate potential of an office to encourage employee productivity rather than the real estate COSTS.  In other words change your mindset……..The investment is in your employees not your real estate.  Your facility investment is an investment in your employees…….that’s what makes them happy and productive.

They outline 5 principles to be considered in order to maximize employee productivity in the workplace

  1. Work is a an employees job function or role…not where they sit all day – Focus more on how much revenue you make per employee and not on square fee per person
  2. Employees should not be chained to one desk – Productive, collaborative workspaces give employees a choice to work wherever they want based on their job function or project that they are working on.  Employees these days don’t just do one task….they need space to perform many different types of work
  3. Occupy less space – In a given day a certain percent of your employees will not be in the office so there is no need to give everyone of them their own desk which means occupying more space than you need.  Let them share
  4. Give employees choices in how and where they work – Empower them to choose their work based on need (e.g. need for privacy, collaboration, quietness, confidence, etc…).

If you design your space based on job functions and employee needs your workspace will be better positioned to quickly adapt to the ever changing economy and market conditions.  Workplaces should have a variety of functional environments………space for formal meetings, space for collaboration, space for privacy, and space to have fun!

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