How Long Does it Take to Get an Office Space Build-Out Permit in Austin, Tx?

buildout permits office space austin txOffice space build-out permits in Austin can take up to 30 to 45 days, and even longer for larger more complicated projects.

When searching for Austin office space for lease you need to ensure that you give yourself enough time to see all the options as well as allowing enough time to build-out the spaces if necessary. Ideally at least 6-12 months before your ideal move in date depending on the size space.

It’s possible, however not likely to find an office space for rent in Austin that is already built out EXACTLY the way you want. Most spaces are at a minimum going to need new carpet and paint. If the scope of work is larger (e.g. involves mechanical, electrical and plumbing changes) then a permit is going to be required, and that is when you have to comply with the city of Austin building permit services department requirements.

When applying for a permit you have to have all your plans put together (e.g. site development plan, engineering plans, architect plans, etc). The building construction manager, architect and / or your contractor will be able to guide you through this process. 

If you are doing a full office space remodel then expect it to take 30-45 days from the time you submit documents to the city to the time they approve the permit.

Don’t think that just because you submit plans that the city will automatically approve them. In many cases the city of Austin will reject them on the first pass. To avoid this all you can do is be very diligent and communicate with the construction manager and architect before submitting plans.

Why Does it Take So Long to Get an Office Space Build-Out Permit in Austin?

Nobody really knows the answer to this however what we keep hearing is that the Austin commercial plan review department is understaffed. What you need to keep in mind is that only you have your best interests in mind so you need to stay engaged with the architect and construction manager (if you have one) the entire time.

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