How Much Warehouse Space Do I Need?

how much warehouse I needIf your company needs to lease warehouse space, then you’ve come to the right place!  Here at Austin Tenant Advisors we provide complete warehouse space site selection solutions to meet the needs of our clients, and we recognize that every company’s distribution & storage needs are different.  Whether you need manufacturing or warehousing space it’s important to know how much space you need.

When trying to calculate how much warehouse space you need you need to determine the following information:

  • How many pallets do you need to store on a regular basis?
  • How many pallets high can your products be stacked?
  • What size are your pallets? (Standard pallets are 42″ inches x 48″ inches OR 3.5′ feet x 4′ feet)
  • What utilization best matches your need?  Click here to see which % rate best matches your needs.  You can also check this post to see how to calculate warehouse space utilization

Here is an example calculation:

  • Number of pallets needed to store = 60
  • My product can be stacked how many pallets high? =  10
  • Pallet size = 42″ x 48″…… OR 3.5′ x 4′
  • Utilization = 50%

1st Step:  Divide Number of pallets needed to store by how high you can stack = 60 / 10 = 6
2nd Step: Multiply the pallet length x width to determine the SF needed per pallet = 3.5′ x 4′ = 14′
3rd Step: Multiply 14′ x 6 = 84′
4th Step: Divide 84′ by your ideal utilization. For this example 84′ / 50% = 168 sf.

So for this example you would need to lease 168 sf of warehouse space

If you have any questions about how to calculate your Austin warehouse space rental needs feel free to contact us.

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