
Are You Looking for Single Tenant NNN Leased Investments?

Are You Looking for Single Tenant NNN Leased Investments?If you are an investor looking for single tenant Triple Net (NNN) leased investments let us know.  We represent a lot of investors in Texas and currently have found some great opportunities.  One of which is with a nationwide auto franchise (Christian Brothers Automotive).  The franchise is looking to expand it’s presence in the U.S. and is selling some of their locations.  Below are some of the details.

  • All of the properties sell for prices ranging from $2,600,000 to $3,000,000
  • Each location has long term 15 year leases with options up to 65 years
  • All the leases are triple net (NNN) leases meaning there is zero landlord responsibility.  The tenants pay 100% of the operating expenses
  • Cap rate year one is 6% with 1.5% rent escalations starting in year 6
  • The corporation guarantees the leases
  • Many of these locations pretty new and are in GREAT high visibility locations
  • The operations of each business are very strong with profit margins increasing every year
  • Properties can be purchased individually or as a portfolio

This is just one of the opportunities that we are finding for our clients.  We thoroughly research each location as well as the owners and operations of each business unit which helps give you a thorough understanding of your risk level.

If you are interested don’t hesitate to give us a call at 512-694-7803

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