
Nathan Smith, New CCIM Designee!

nathanccimI am proud to announce that I have just earned my CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) designation!  For the last few years I have been taking in depth commercial real estate classes to broaden my skill sets in the areas of financial analysis, market analysis, and investment analysis.

Over the last 8 years I have negotiated over 300 commercial lease and purchase transactions and have had the privilege of helping many business owners and companies make the best commercial real estate decisions.  With this designation I am now recognized globally as an expert in the disciplines of commercial & investment real estate.

It’s my goal to continue learning the commercial real estate business so that my clients get the best representation possible.  I truly care about their business success and want to ensure that I have the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to make that happen.

CCCIM membership is a global network and there are over 15,000 commercial real estate professionals that have earned the CCIM designation.  There is an estimated 150,000 commercial realtors in the U.S. and ONLY 6% of those have the CCIM designation.  It’s been a lot of work however I’m happy to now be one of them. Check us out to learn more about Austin Tenant Advisors


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