The Worlds Most Expensive Office Rents

worlds most expensive office rents

You Think Austin Tx has expensive office space rents?  Check out the worlds most expensive office rents below.  The most expensive rental rates in Austin are in Downtown and those average $35 to $38 sf.   The countries below are paying over 3 times that!  The Midtown area of New York is the only U.S. City to make the top 10.

Rank 2013 Country City, Location Cost Per SQ FT/YR
1 UK London, West End $255
2 Hong Kong Hong Kong, CBD $180
3 Brazil Rio de Janeiro $160
4 India New Delhi, Connaught $158
5 Japan Tokyo, CBD $152
6 Russia Moscow, CBD $136
7 China Beijing, CBD $128
8 USA New York, Midtown $126
9 Australia Sydney, CBD $118
10 France Paris, CBD $109
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