Who Needs Industrial Space?

who needs warehouse spaceIndustrial space is a huge category that consists of many different types of properties with different features designed to manage different business operations.  When searching for industrial space and warehouse space it’s important to have a general understanding of the differences between each type of property and to communicate your needs with your commercial real estate agent so they are able to locate the industrial property that meets your needs best.

Below is a brief description of each industrial building type.

Manufacturing Properties

Manufacturing facilities (aka heavy industrial buidings) typically house specialized equipment used for producing goods and materials.  These typically offer 3 phase power, high capacity ventilation, buss ducts, heavy ductwork, pressurized water or air lines, storage tanks, cranes, & floor drains.

Warehouse / Distribution Buildings

Distribution and Warehouse spaces are typically very large properties used for…..you guessed it….. warehousing and distribution of products.  They are typically one story and range from 50,000 sf or more, and can have up to a 60 foot ceiling height for accommodating rack and storage systems.  Office space is optional and they will have a lot of loading docks and plenty of room for 18 wheelers to get in and out of the loading areas.  Some of these buildings may have rail access

R&D Buildings

Very popular with tech industries since they offer a combination of office space, manufacturing space, and warehouse space.  You may find these in campus like business parks with lots of parking and open space.  Computer, Electronics, and biotechnology companies are drawn to these

Flex (flexible) Buildings

These are industrial spaces that are flexible and can accommodate a number of uses such as research and development, light manufacturing, office space, showroom for retail, & warehouse space.  Ceiling heights are typically 20 feet or less and the office space portion may have a dropped ceiling.  These also typically have a higher percentage of office space than larger industrial buildings.  You will find these in nice industrial business parks with a campus-like setting, nice landscaping, and lots of parking.

Refrigeration & Cold Storage Space

These typically have the capacity to accommodate freezers and other large cold storage equipment.  You will find these used by companies that distribute food products that require freezing and/or refrigeration.

Showroom Space

These are very similar to flexible space in how they are built however they will be laid out for more of a retail use.  Large showroom area for displaying products can be combined with storage, office, and distribution space.  Companies that rent these may dedicate up to 50% or more to sales.

Biotech (Wet Lab) Space

Companies that produce, test, analyze, and/or distribute chemicals, drugs, or other products & biological matter typically need to rent wet lab space.  These are built out with extensive plumbing, ventilation, specialized utilities, temperature & humidity controls, dust controls, and/or extensive power.  You may find these located in industrial business parks similar to flexible and R&D buildings.

Light Manufacturing Space

These are flexible buildings that can be used for light assembly or manufacturing needs and do not typically require extensive physical plant or power needs.

Retail Warehousing

Due to a huge increase in online retails spaces big retailers need more retail warehouse space to accommodate their fulfillment space needs.  These retail needs go beyond just needing simple warehouse space.    They need logistics and distribution space that can also provide training, customer support, and showroom solutions.

If you are searching for industrial warehouse space in Austin and need help feel free to give us a call at 512-861-0525

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